Selling your own house or also known as “for sale by owner” or FSBO may seem beneficial as there is no need for real estate fees to be paid. But it is better to appoint an agent to sell a house. A simple comparison between these two points will clear the issue.

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Finding potential clients

Realtors will show your house to potential clients. If the buyer’s agent gets to know that the house is being represented by an FSBO, they will help you to find many potential buyers. As they are experienced in this industry, they know how to get clients effectively.

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Avoiding emotional sales

Agents are professional and know how to deal with complicated situation which covers emotional moments. An owner has emotional value for the house. As a result, it is easy to be offended when some critical judgments come from the potential buyer. An agent is free from emotional baggage and able to negotiate better. An owner might get sad if the house is rejected by others but an agent will deal with it with poise.

Credit: kakenmasterproperties

Agents have large networks

Agents are professionals in the business. Over time, they already have strong connections in this field. They may help you to get suitable mortgage loans and provide valuable suggestions regarding down payments. On the other hand, a first-time seller is new in the real estate transaction and has very little experience and few connections in the business. Professional networks can be beneficial to making a better deal.