Our planet Earth is bizarre and lovely. It is full of diverse flora and fauna with unusual and wonderful species and ecosystems. We don’t really appreciate things until we compare them next to “the norm.”

Oleh_Slobodeniuk/Getty Images

You may be familiar with elephants and their size, but what does that mean compared to a person’s height? Consider the width of a narrow rock ledge compared to a human foot. Take a moment to marvel at these crazy comparisons.

You’ve Captured a Pokemon

This hickory horned devil is almost certainly the Pokemon Caterpie. How is it that a caterpillar may grow to be 5 inches long? Isn’t that strange? I’d hate to see one of them creeping up a tree in the summer.


The good news is that I don’t reside in the deep south of North America, where this species is considered common. Fortunately, these bad boys don’t stay this size for long. Once their caterpillar stage is over, they turn into regal moths.

The Mountain and His Queen

Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane from Game of Thrones, Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson, is an Icelandic professional strongman. This beast of a guy, standing at an astounding 6-feet 9-inches tall and weighing an incredible 440 pounds, trumps everyone who stands next to him.


See how huge he is compared to his wife, Kelsey Henson, who is only 5-foot-2. Hopefully, Björnsson knew right from the start how to embrace his other half without crushing her! The couple also welcomed their first child back in September 2020.

Bigger Than A Boat

Imagine a calm day. You’re out fishing with a friend and have a couple of beers in your hand. Then THAT thing swims up alongside what you thought was a rather big boat. A Blue Whale three times the size of your little boat is right next to you!


A fully developed male may reach 29.9 meters in length and 330,000 pounds in weight. These marine creatures are currently the largest species known. In other words, everyone is staying on board!

Coco Crab vs. Doggo

This crab, sometimes known as the robber crab or palm thief, is, weirdly enough, a kind of terrestrial hermit crab. It’s ironic considering that hermit crabs are small enough to fit in the palm of your hand.


On the contrary, coconut crabs can weigh up to 9 pounds and reach a length of around three feet from leg to leg. That’s the same measurement as your math teacher’s yardstick! The good news is that these crabs can rarely be seen in dense human-populated areas.

A Bat or A Fox?

Bram Stoker called, said to give him his Dracula bat back. When the 5-foot wings are taken away, the gigantic golden-crowned flying fox does look more like a fox than a bat. They even feature fox-like golden-brown fur, as well as a pointed snout and ears.


The scientists who named this species must have known exactly what they were doing! Sadly, their existence is now on the line because of poachers and human competition for their primary food source: fruit.

Peter Rabbit May Have Stuffed Himself

Who needs a pet dog when you can have a Flemish Giant rabbit this big hopping around your living room? Those paws look as huge as a medium-sized Border Collie! Even though this particular rabbit appears to be upset by the photo-op, rabbits are gentle and docile creatures often kept as pets.


They are the right size at 15 pounds and 4 feet long. I truly believe when it comes to pets, the bigger, the fluffier, the better! Raise your hand if you’d want this chap jumping onto your lap for a movie with you!

Check Out This Baby Ghost!

It’s so tiny and cute! I’d rather not think about how many of these animals I have walked on at the beach, especially because they may change color to fit their surroundings depending on what time it is.


Ghost crabs are typical coastal crabs that prefer to live and hunt on the beach rather than water. They are harmless to us, so it’s good to see them roaming around the sands. Although I’m not sure how much food this guy could truly eat. Eating would probably take tons of time!

The King Of All The Trees

Do trees make a sound when they fall in the forest while no one is around? I believe so! These huge trees grow up to 379 feet tall and have a diameter of 29 feet, making one giant “BOOM” as soon as they hit the ground.


Redwood trees are among the world’s oldest tree species, living up to more than 1,800 years. You know what, I’d probably turn into a tree if I lived that long… or a vampire I haven’t decided yet. Anyway, these lovely trees are typically found along the northern California and Oregon coasts.

A Happy Ocean Starts With A Clean Anchor

Let’s just hope this massive anchor doesn’t collide with anything on its trip to the bottom. Anchors may weigh up to 30 tons, and each link in the chain can weigh up to 500 pounds. If you get trapped beneath that weight, you’re looking at a fractured skull.


Ships of enormous sizes require heavy anchors to ensure a safe voyage. With the differing speeds of surface and underwater currents, it’s no surprise that ships require such large anchors. There’s no need to float away!

A Thing Smaller Than A Grain Of Rice

Yes, this small computer is in a photograph, and I’m already losing it. That thing next to it? Yeah, that’s a grain of rice. To put it another way, a single grain of rice might be anywhere between 5 and 7 millimeters long, whereas the computer measures 0.33 millimeters on each side.


This super tiny thing would feel like a peck of pollen in your skin. How is it possible to keep track of this tiny gizmo? How can we possibly keep it properly? I’m willing to bet money that even the most responsible individual would still lose it!

The Lion’s Mane Hits Different

I’m curious if Marlin is as sensitive to these jellyfish stings as he is to the normal-sized jellies in Finding Nemo. The Lion’s mane jellyfish is the biggest jellyfish species, reaching lengths of up to 120 feet, sometimes even longer.


I enjoy being in the sea, but if I ever saw those long tentacles and enormous bell swimming beneath me, I’d be racing for the shoreline. Somehow, these bad boys aren’t actually toxic to people. Yay for that!

Would You Like One?

No is what you’d probably say. The whole continent of South America must be cleared of any and all anaconda-infested areas. These snakes may reach a length of 25 feet and weigh up to 550 pounds. Even a fully-grown crocodile would be overwhelmed by such size. Have I already said no to this huge thing already?


Even though these animals are more nimble in the water, they still impose a great threat even in the dry land. I believe that the man in the picture has great strength and confidence to control the largest snake species in the world.

Just Another Day At The Beach

Even though leatherback sea turtles aren’t dangerous to people, I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t panic if I saw one swimming beneath me. After all, they can grow up to 7 feet tall and weigh 1,540 pounds. That’s just too much of a creature for my comfort.


This isn’t exactly the image of a nice green hard-shell marine turtle that most people have in mind. Seeing this leathery guy in the wild would undoubtedly scare me but it would still be quite an unforgettable experience!

Time To Attack Your Food

On the other hand, this tiny turtle is more my jam, and it’s not just because he’s attacking that strawberry the same way I attack a slice of my favorite chocolate lava cake. Okay, maybe the similarity helps me sympathize with the tiny man.


Being a tiny turtle on such a huge planet can’t be easy. There are far too many predators to be concerned about—killer whales, anyone? We’ll keep him secure as long as he keeps looking carefully at that small berry!

Just Another Day At The Beach In Ireland

I’ve come across shattered frisbees, abandoned pens, and every type of plastic available, but I’ve never come across anything quite like this massive piece of driftwood. As Instagram-worthy as this driftwood is, it begs the question: where did it come from?


Well, the shot features trees on a mountain in the backdrop. Maybe it went off the cliff a long time ago and is only now making its way back to shore? The questions that keep me up at night, oh, the questions.

Should I Start Praying Now?

Please excuse me while I pass out. I’d lose my marbles if I ever had to sneeze while standing here. Thank God Ledge is a fitting but very ironic name. Because it is the only thing that would come out of my lips, I would have named it “Oh, God.” Apart from the distinctive sound of imminent hyperventilation, that is.


This place is not a place for people with acrophobia. It is very high and very scary. I hope all the adrenaline junkies realize what they’re doing by free-climbing this 5-12-inch wide ledge with no barriers.

The Largest Dog In The World

This dog appears large while standing alone, but as this man positions himself next to it, you can tell exactly how large it is! This is a Tibetan Mastiff, an ancient flock guardian dog breed found in China, Tibet, Nepal, and Central Asia.


They have beautiful, fluffy coats and can grow to be 33 inches tall! They also usually weigh between 100 and 160 pounds. Tibetan Mastiffs are protective of their owners, so if you’re looking for a huge fluffy guard dog, this is the breed for you!

A Mama Hippo And A Baby Hippo

Hippopotamus are massive creatures! Adult males weigh 3,310 pounds on average, while females weigh 2,870 pounds. Despite their size, they can run at a top speed of 30 miles per hour. Hippos, on the other hand, can be rather tiny when they are young!


Take a peek at this little one with her mother. When hippos are preparing to give birth, they withdraw to be alone for 10-14 days before returning. Baby hippos are born underwater and weigh between 55 and 110 pounds when they are born.

A Quick Snack Stop For Giant Wild Boars

Take a peek at this ferocious beast! This huge boar and its young were observed in Hong Kong rummaging through garbage. Not just any garbage, but one next to a primary school where kids could be at risk! Hopefully, whoever took this picture alerted the school to the presence of a large, hungry boar outside.


Wild boars are so powerful that their snouts can lift 40-50 pound boulders. Males weigh an average of 165-220 pounds and have canine teeth up to 4.7 inches long. I can’t imagine having to face one in a battle.

Giant Squids Are Truly Massive… Like, Massive

As if the water wasn’t frightening enough, enormous squids are here to remind us when they make their appearance, as this one did. They may grow to be 43 feet tall for a male and 33 feet tall for a female!


Giant squids have long been a part of folklore, and numerous scientists recorded “strandings” of giant squids in the 1800s. Still, it wasn’t until 2004 that actual giant squids were documented in their natural environment.

Saved By The Glass

Well, we certainly hope there aren’t any hunters out there looking for one of these monsters! Crocodiles are so massive they could easily take down prey. Whoever is hunting for these huge creatures scare us even more!


We know the ladies inside the glass tank aren’t terrified; otherwise, they wouldn’t have done it, but we’re worried for her safety. If something were to happen, she would very certainly become this croc’s supper. Hopefully, you will never have to deal with a situation like this.

Cuddly Giant Wombat

This wombat in the woman’s hands is larger than other wombats in the wild. If there’s one thing for sure, it’s just as huge as her. We’re curious whether any of the other creatures it encounters are easily intimidated.


This creature looks like it could pass off as a Pokemon. All it needs are some unique attacks and a catchy name. We would most likely be stunned for a few seconds if we came into touch with one of these. Out of cuteness? Out of shock? No one knows.

A Heart Of A Gentle Giant

What you see is the heart of a blue whale with a child inside of its large artery. It is so massive that it can weigh up to 400 pounds. Because this animal is so huge, it’s only natural that its heart would be three times the size of a full-grown human.


To compare, this is actually the size of a Ford Fiesta! It’s incredible to think of a heart the size of a vehicle. This is the only size heart that a blue whale could have to have all of the blood flowing through its body.

Money Would Never Be The Same

We have an equal amount of money in $100 and $1 notes. The huge stack is what you’d expect money-makers to bring to the explicit clubs, while the little stack is what you’d expect to take home after a successful night at the casino.


It doesn’t matter, though, because they’re both the same amount. The only difference is that if you’re dealing with $1 bills instead of $100 bills, you’ll have to do a lot more counting, and it is quite a hassle to do.

Our Sun is Enormous

Do you know how huge and enormous our planet is? Let us consider the length of time it takes to fly from one coast to the other. After a while, we begin to believe that our planet Earth is a huge sphere.


But the fact is, the Earth is much smaller than the sun and many other planets. The amount of Earths that might fit inside our solar system’s sun is what you’re looking at! Isn’t that ridiculous? No wonder the summers are so scorching.

By God, Take A Look At That!

Certain humans despise birds. Others believe they aren’t real. So, regardless of how you feel about winged animals, consider yourself fortunate that you were not alive when the world’s largest flying species was present.


This baddie is at least four times the height of the person standing next to him. It can devour that person and maybe three more in a single gulp. Consider what would happen if this monster was still out there someplace. How would we be able to cope?

Would You Wanna Gobble This UP?

Ladies and gentlemen, grab your salt because we’ve discovered the ultimate snail. We’re so used to seeing little snails move through dewy grass that we wouldn’t know what to do if we stumbled across one of these!


This lady seems to be fine holding this cute thing up with just one hand. We’re curious if its size makes it speedier or if it has slowed down. Hopefully, it got quicker so that it could get away from anyone looking for a snail.

The Real Lord Of The Rings

This one will appeal to fans of The Lord of the Rings. No, this isn’t a ring that a guy gives his significant other after he royally messes things up. However, this is a ring represented with power and influence.


This ring here is actually one of the prop rings from Lord of the Rings. It’s about a foot wide and can only be held with two hands. This demonstrates how dedicated movie makers are in getting even the tiniest things right.

Wow, Keep an Eye Out For This!

People believe that moose are harmless because of cartoon characters. Though I believe you’d think twice after looking at the picture. Look at the size of this moose and those giant antlers on its head!


In Canada, the moose is larger than all humans, including automobiles. You might end up as a moose meal or roadkill if you make one wrong move. We feel terrible for whatever makes this creature tick and lacks the ability to fight back.

Do You Wonder Why Horses Are So Fast?

Well, this explains so much. Horses have gigantic lungs inside of them. The oxygen content of the air breathed by horses during a race is about 380 liters. It’s crazy! You don’t have to wonder how they can sprint so quickly for so long anymore.


The capacity of a horse to travel great distances at high speeds is amazing, but their huge lungs explain a lot. If soccer players had lungs this big, they’d be able to play soccer games back-to-back without needing a break!

The NBA Players

Manute Bol was a former NBA player who was 7’7′′ tall. He dunked without leaping while standing extremely close to the rim. If he had been able to perform additional things, it would have been like a cheat code.


Muggsy Bogues is another option. Even though he was just 5’3′′ tall, he still able to play in the NBA. His lack of height did not deter him from reaching the league. Bol would definitely stop Bogues if he were under the rim as he drove to the basket.

The Mega Boat

Here’s proof that not all boats are created equal. This tiny boat trembles in comparison to this enormous beast of a boat. The boat next to it, which we assume is a yacht, has been drastically reduced in size.


We wish we could tell you what sort of boat the huge one is, of course. It does appear to be a cruise ship, but it also somehow seems too big to be a cruise ship. In any case, the size is not what we had anticipated!

Here Comes The Shark Bite

The size of a shark’s jaws can be used to estimate its size and length. Did you know gigantic sharks once roamed the oceans of the Earth millions of years ago? From the photo, I guess you can tell which one belongs to the giant shark. The other jaw represents the modern-day big sharks.


Of course, if you were diving and came across any big shark, you would swim away as quickly as possible, regardless of its size. Although I imagine it would be impossible to swim away if you came across the bigger shark in the picture.

Take The Flight!

One of the world’s largest jets is practically towering over the other aircrafts in the picture. The rest of the planes are ordinary passenger planes. Consider how many additional chairs the huge one might accommodate!


Of course, the huge plane is most likely used to transport cargo and whatnot rather than people. Plus, who wants to be crammed into a plane in the skies with more passengers than you’re already dealing with?

The Next-Level Excavator

A boom, dipper, and bucket are all part of an excavator, which is a form of heavy construction equipment. It is a popular earthmoving vehicle that provides superior digging power and mobility for other heavy equipment to perform their variety of functions.


The enormous excavator is mostly used for commercial construction projects or large-scale demolitions. Excavators at this size could weigh more than 45 metric tons; that’s why these men in the picture look like tiny people compared to the gigantic excavator.

Man-Sized Bone

Have you ever wondered how large prehistoric creatures were in comparison to their contemporary counterparts? Or even people? If you’ve ever let your curiosity get the best of you, here’s the perfect comparison.


This is average-sized human laid next to an enormous bone dated from the Jurassic Period. The bone is part of the overall skeleton of a Diplodocus, a four-legged plant-eater which had a long necks and tail. They are known to be the largest animals ever to have lived on land.