Stress in an office setting isn’t a fun thing to have, especially when the season picks up. Everyone is terribly busy attending long meetings, making work presentations, and checking emails constantly. It’s easy to see why people get swamped up in the stress. Extreme fatigue can affect not only the physical parts of one’s self, but also the emotional and mental part. Because of this, more and more companies are taking steps to help employees reduce the amount of stress in the work environment.

Identify the Stressors

The first thing you need to do to reduce stress in an office setting is to identify the things that add to your stress, whether it be your uncomfortable chair, your dirty desk, or the extremely bright glare coming from your computer screen. They might not seem like much but in the end, when piled up together, they can have a negative impact on you. You spend most of your time on your job, so do not be afraid to take these issues up with your boss if they start to affect you that much.

Change Your Diet

In case you did not know, your diet affects your mental health. It may be hard to eat healthy when work forces you to be on the go all the time, but as much as possible, try to meal prep. It is certainly cheaper than eating out at restaurants, and it is also a good opportunity for you to find healthy meals that you otherwise might not have the chance to make on a normal basis. Avoid high-carb and greasy foods and replace them with healthier energy sources.

Drink Water

Humans are made up of water. That is a fact we’ve known for years. So by now, I hope you realize how important staying hydrated is. Migraines and headaches are usually caused by dehydration, so if you’ve noted how long it’s been since you last drank water, it might be time to hydrate again. I often take a water bottle with me wherever I go as it helps me remember I need to drink water. Who knows? Doing this might work for you too.

Organize Your Stuff

I’ve found that when I’m stressed and I look at a messy desk, my stress levels are only heightened. Organizing your stuff and planning things helps keep your mind at bay when you have work to do. One thing you can do is make a to-do list or maybe write all your deadlines on a sticky note and stick it on your desk. That way, you know what you should do, and you know when it should be finished. It doesn’t seem like a big thing, but I promise you it helps.

Make Friends at Work

Another thing that contributes to your stress is not having anyone you can turn to for help. If having a good social network will benefit you in life, then a good support system would benefit you at work, too. Having team building activities or just friendly conversations during a quick coffee break can lead to you feeling less stressed with work because you know you’re not alone and other people share this burden with you, too.