The way you think about money defines your money personality. It is very important to identify your money personality so that you can make smart financial decisions. There are different types of money personalities like a money saver, spender, security seeker, and risk-taker. 


Money savers are those persons who always try to save money. They believe that the money they are earning needs to be saved for future use. They don’t like to spend much on purchasing anything.


Money spenders love to spend money. Whether it is for them or others, they feel happy by spending money or purchasing anything. They may not buy a car all the time. But they always love to spend the money they have.


Security seeker always saves money for the future. They feel nervous if they do have not enough money for the emergency fund. This type of money personality always looks for the best deal, even if it takes time. They love to look ahead and think about the plan for the future.


Risk-taker is those persons who want to take the risk with their money. They always want to invest the money they have. They end up either billionaires or bankrupt. They are the entrepreneur by nature and have the gut to change the world.