Budgeting is essential for financial success. It allows you to track your income and expenses and make sure you’re using your money in the most efficient way possible. Without a budget, it’s easy to overspend or miss important bills, leading to financial strain and stress.

Budgeting helps you plan for the future, allowing you to save for emergencies or larger expenses. Most importantly, it allows you to take control of your finances so that you know exactly what’s leaving your bank account and why.

Creating a budget may seem daunting at first, but there are plenty of resources available to help you get started.

How do you get started with budgeting? 

Budgeting is a crucial part of financial success, but where do you even begin? Well, the practicalities of budgeting are fairly straightforward. First and foremost, list out all your fixed expenses – things like rent or mortgage payments, car payments, student loan payments, etc.

Next, make a list of your variable expenses – groceries, gas for your car, entertainment costs, etc. Take a close look at your spending habits and see where you can cut back on expenditures – maybe take an extra moment to get rid of a subscription service you don’t use.

Finally, set aside some money every month for savings and consider setting up automatic transfers so that it becomes second nature to save.

Budgeting can seem intimidating at first, but with some careful planning and dedication, it can greatly improve your financial health.

And there are plenty of techniques and apps out there to help get you on the right track with budgeting.

What are some popular budgeting techniques? 

There are plenty of budgeting techniques and methods that are designed to make your life easier and stick to a budget once you have one. Here are some popular strategies to help you get started.

The piggy bank technique 

The piggy bank technique is an innovative way to budget and save money. Instead of placing all of your income into one general account, you divide it up into separate piggy banks or ‘pots’ for different spending categories. For example, you may have a pot for groceries, a pot for entertainment, and a pot for clothing expenses.

This technique allows you to visually track your spending and easily determine if you are going over budget in any particular category. It also helps prevent impulsive buys, as you will only have a set amount to spend in each category.

There are plenty of options out there that make it easy to try out the piggyback technique. For instance, you could give Monzo a go. Monzo allows you to create multiple money pots and designate them for different purposes.

The 50/30/20 technique 

Sticking to a budget can be challenging, especially if you have varying expenses and fluctuating income. That’s where the 50/30/20 technique comes in. This method involves dividing your after-tax income into three categories: 50% for essentials (such as rent and shopping), 30% for wants (such as eating out or shopping), and 20% for savings or debt repayment.

By breaking down your expenses in this way, you are able to prioritize your spending while still allowing room for enjoyment. Implementing the 50/30/20 technique can help you maintain a balanced budget and ultimately achieve financial stability.

The envelope technique 

The envelope budgeting system is a method of organizing your finances in a simple and accessible way. Originally, this system required you to use actual physical envelopes to store cash for different expenses.

And to this day, many people who try out the envelope technique still try to use cash as much as possible. This is because studies suggest that it’s easier to spend money when you’re using a card. When you spend cash, you spend less.

Each envelope represents a category of expenses, such as groceries or entertainment, with a set amount allocated for the month. When making purchases, the money is taken out of that designated envelope until it is depleted. This easy-to-visualize budgeting technique helps prevent overspending in any one category by forcing you to stick to your predetermined limits.

The envelope budget may be a throwback technique, but it’s still an effective way to keep track of your spending and reach your financial goals.

What are some popular budgeting apps? 

Managing money can be tough, especially if you’ve never had to do it before. But there’s no need to worry! There are plenty of budgeting apps out there that can help you get started.


Mint is a budgeting app that’s been around for quite a while. It’s a great choice for beginners because it’s easy to use and very intuitive. Mint will help you track your spending, see where you can save money, and set financial goals. Best of all, it’s completely free to get started! You can read more about Mint here.


EveryDollar is another great budgeting app that’s perfect for beginners and fans of Dave Ramsay. Like Mint, it helps you track your spending and set financial goals. One of the things that sets EveryDollar apart from other budgeting apps is its “Zero-Based Budgeting” feature, which ensures that every dollar you earn has a purpose. In other words, you won’t have any “extra” money left over at the end of the month—everything will be accounted for! You can read more about EveryDollar here.

You Need a Budget (YNAB) 

You Need a Budget, or YNAB for short is one of the more popular budgeting apps on the market. It shares many similarities with the other apps on this list—it helps you track your spending and set financial goals—but it also has some unique features, such as the ability to automatically import transactions from your bank account. YNAB also offers live customer support in case you need help getting started or have any questions along the way. You can read more about YNAB here.

Budgeting when dealing with debt 

Budgeting can be your saving grace when it comes to debt. Taking a look at your income and expenses can give you clarity on where your money is going, and where it can be reallocated to pay off debt.

An important financial goal many people set when they start budgeting is to pay off any outstanding debts.

After all, budgeting is about taking control of your finances and it’s hard to do that when large chunks are spent paying off high-interest credit cards. But what are some ways you can start dealing with debt effectively?

The snowball technique 

The snowball technique is a popular method for getting out of debt. The concept is simple: prioritize paying off your debts starting with the smallest one, and as each debt is paid off, roll the payment amount into paying off the next largest debt, like a snowball rolling down a hill and picking up speed and size.

This can be a motivating strategy for debt repayment, as small successes early on can help to keep you on track. However, it may not always be the most financially savvy option because it might mean you’re paying off lower-interest debt first while allowing higher-interest debt to rack up.

Ultimately, it’s up to the individual to weigh their own level of motivation and financial goals when considering using the snowball technique for eliminating debt.

The avalanche technique 

The avalanche method of debt repayment may be another debt-repayment solution. It involves organizing your debts from highest interest rate to lowest and then paying off the debts with the highest interest first while still making minimum payments on your other loans.

This method can save you money in the long run by reducing the amount of interest paid, but it requires strict budgeting and determination to stick with the plan. And while it may take longer to pay off all your debts due to not attacking them all at once, the benefit of having one less monthly bill can provide much-needed financial relief.

At the end of the day, what matters most is finding a debt repayment plan that works for you and sticking with it until all your debts are gone for good.

Budgeting: why it’s important 

Budgeting is not just about being frugal or saving for a rainy day – it’s about taking control of your financial future.

By creating a budget and sticking to it, you’ll be able to prioritize expenses, identify potential problem areas, and track your progress towards long-term goals such as retirement savings or purchasing a home.

Budgeting also helps prevent overspending, reducing the risk of accumulating debt or future financial stress.

Intentional budgeting can also help you tackle outstanding debts through techniques such as the snowball strategy or the avalanche technique.

With careful planning and discipline, budgeting can lead to financial stability and peace of mind in the present and long-term security in the future. So don’t wait any longer – start budgeting today for a brighter tomorrow.