As with getting a job, promotion requires some effort. It is not an automatic process. Rather you need to take some steps to proceed to the next step of your career ladder. Sometimes you have to attend an interview to get a promotion in your organization. Here we are suggesting some advice on acing an interview for a promotion.
A job promotion interview is different from a regular job interview. Because here you are trying to get a better position in your existing company. You are already part of the company and it should be clear to you what special criteria the company is finding for that particular position. So, you have to show off your abilities so that management can realize that you are capable enough to handle the roles.
There are many ways to demonstrate your capabilities while working in your current position. Try to do some voluntary work so that management can verify your skills. You also can be involved in some new challenging projects that are beyond your current responsibilities. Show that you are committed to the company and want to try hard to achieve the company’s goals.
Some companies require job promotion applications. While applying for a promotion you may need to resubmit your resume and custom cover letter for the particular position. In this process, you might be competing with both inside and outside candidates. Though you are a part of the company, it doesn’t mean that you will get any extra benefits. So, try to skimp on your job application efforts. Carefully proofread all the application materials including resume and cover letter.