Working in a toxic work environment is very stressful. It will ruin both your personal and work life. So, it’s better to make sure that your work culture is not toxic. Here are some signs of a toxic workplace that you need to be aware of.


One of the major signs of a toxic work environment is a lack of appreciation. If you find the workers are not saying hello or greeting each other it indicates that they are not happy. They probably not enjoying working in this workplace.


In a toxic work environment, employers don’t like to share anything with employees. As a result, the workers fill the void of information with rumors. This communication loop is not healthy at all. It demoralizes the workers and ultimately reduces their productivity.


When a company emphasizes more on results than people, workers lose the interest to perform better. Any toxic workplace deadlines take more priority over workers’ emotional well-being. They are not interested to show empathy to workers’ personal life. Rather they are always trying to earn more profits and reputation at any cost. In this toxic workplace, leaders are invisible.