The Russian-born co-founder of the Telegram app made a commitment that they will maintain the user privacy of their messaging app. He made it clear that the data of Ukrainian users are safe and they don’t need to worry about that. Telegram is one of the top most popular messaging apps in Ukraine.
The billionaire entrepreneur Pavel Durov is now living in Dubai. He shared a post on Telegram. He wrote, “I stand for our users no matter what. Their right to privacy is sacred – now more than ever.”
Mr. Durov wrote, “the tragic conflict is personal both to me and Telegram”. He added, “Some people wondered if Telegram is somehow less secure for Ukrainians because I once lived in Russia.”
Mr. Durov also wrote, “In 2013, the Russian security agency, FSB, demanded that I provide them the private data of the Ukrainian users of VK who were protesting against a pro-Russian president. But I refused to comply with these demands because it would have meant a betrayal of our Ukrainian users.”
However, many experts have raised concerns about the user personal data security of Telegram. Moxie Marlinspike who developed the encryption process of Signal and WhatsApp recently shared a tweet. He wrote, “many users thought Telegram was an encrypted app, but it was by default a cloud database with a plaintext copy of every message everyone has ever sent/received”.
But Telegram authority explained that everything is stored on a cloud and the cloud is securely encrypted. So, all the secret Chats, voice calls, and video calls are end-to-end encrypted on Telegram. The data cannot be read by the company. But they have access to the encrypted contents that are stored on Telegram’s servers.