To make the alcohol buying process easier, major supermarket chains are initiating an automated age-verification system. The system can be used to determine whether the buyer’s face is older or younger than 25.

Credit: yoti

These supermarket cameras can estimate each customer’s age. Basically, it is a part of a test of technologies to assist with the selling of alcohol. Many recognized chain shops like Asda, Co-op, and Morrisons are utilizing the system in some shops. Aldi’s checkout-free shop in London also uses the same technology.

Credit: pymnts

After receiving the consent of customers, the camera tries to guess customers’ age by using their specific algorithms. The technology mainly uses the database of anonymous faces. Still, the customers have to show ID to a member of staff.

Yoti is one of the companies that provide the technology. The chief executive of Yoti, Robin Tombs said, “Waiting for age approval at the self-checkout is sometimes frustrating for shoppers. Our age-verification solutions are helping retailers like Asda meet the requirements of regulators worldwide and keep pace with consumer demands for fast and convenient services while preserving people’s privacy.”

Credit: nfcw

Asda’s senior director Geri Hebberd said about the technology, “looked forward to seeing what our customers think. We know how time-pressed some of our customers are, so we always want to make things quicker and easier for them when they shop with us.”