Previously Apple announced that they are going to introduce a new technology that will be able to scan users’ iPhones. They claimed that this technology will detect any child sexual abuse material.


Through this new technology, Apple can scan images just before they are uploaded to iCloud Photos. After that, the images will be cross-checked against known child sexual abuse material on a database. The database is mainly managed by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.


Later the company has to face widespread criticism from privacy groups and others. It was assumed that this device tracking may hamper users’ privacy. The system might be abused by authoritarian states. So, Apple decided to reconsider the technology.

Apple shared a statement. They said, “Last month we announced plans for features intended to help protect children from predators who use communication tools to recruit and exploit them, and limit the spread of child sexual abuse material.”


The statement also explained, “Based on feedback from customers, advocacy groups, researchers, and others, we have decided to take additional time over the coming months to collect input and make improvements before releasing these critically important child safety features.”