Cosmetic surgery ads designed to change a person’s physical appearance may influence the young generation to take decisions mistakenly. That’s why the government regulatory body of the UK decided to ban these adverts for under-18s.

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The UK advertising watchdog confirms that the rules will come into force from next year. Previously performing cosmetic surgery under18s was illegal. But there were no restrictions on advertising to them. After this rule, no companies will be allowed to present adverts for cosmetic surgery procedures like breast enhancements and nose resizing. This rule will be applicable through all media channels including TV programs and social media that are aimed directly at under-18s teens.

Credit: thenextweb

The Committee for Advertising Practice (CAP) director Shahriar Coupal said: “Because of the inherent risks of cosmetic intervention procedures, and the potential appeal of these services to young people struggling with body confidence issues, it’s important we set the bar necessarily high in terms of marketing.”

Credit: deseret

The decision to ban will also cover all the dermal fillers and skin rejuvenation treatments. These treatments include all the injectable treatments, chemical peels, and laser or light treatments, and selling teeth whitening products.